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Mr. Worley's Story

My partner and I adopted Gale Worley….now “Mr. Worley Parker-Baker” on January 25, 2014. We brought him to his new home in South Weber, UT where we kept him separated from his new brother Cole for Saturday night and Sunday until we could take him to the vet for a complete checkup. Once Mr. Worley received a clean bill of health we introduced him to his new brother.

The initial meeting went well. There was a lot of nose rubbing and sniffing and only a couple of hisses. Since their first meeting they have been growing closer and closer. Mr. Worley loves to run, jump and wrestle with Cole. Cole is not sure about the wrestling but is adjusting (see attached photo). Mr. Worley is also very curious and loves to be right in the middle of the action at all times. He enjoys looking out the windows and loves to play with his toy balls.

Mr. Worley is such a loveable baby boy. Since day one he has slept by my side and likes to cuddle, rub and head butt me. We are so very happy to have Worley as a part of our family. He is a really good boy.

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